
Your HAVEN Score

Your HAVEN Score is a way for you to understand how all kinds of factors in your home are contributing to your home’s air health.


How’s it calculated?

We use your air quality data from HAVEN, along with how your air is being activated throughout the day. We continuously refer to well-established standards from the EPA (the US Environmental Protection Agency), ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) and Health Canada when putting our recommendations together for air activation.

As we add new factors to the Score calculations, we’ll keep you in the loop! The goal is to continuously improve it as we establish valuable metrics that can make it a more helpful tool for actively managing your air.

HAVEN Subscores

Your HAVEN Score is calculated based on multiple parameters and metrics. These parameters and metrics can be broken down into 4 main categories, for which you can find out your respective Subscores.

At HAVEN, we believe in the 3 pillars of indoor air quality: Filtration, Ventilation, and Humidity Control. These are all supported by Circulation, aka moving the air. This is why we’ve provided you with a 4th Subscore that helps you know if your air is being activated frequently enough.

Filtration Subscore

Your home’s Filtration Sub Score uses the HAVEN Monitor’s PM2.5 readings + filter details + circulation schedule to help you understand if your system is:

  • Ensuring acceptable air changes per hour and,

  • If it’s doing a good job of reducing pesky particles.

Ventilation Subscore

Your home’s Ventilation Sub Score uses the HAVEN Monitor’s tVOC readings + circulation schedule to help you understand if your system is:

  • Replacing stale air with filtered outdoor air regularly and,

  • Removing chemical & CO2 buildup from off-gassing & regular activities.

Humidity Subscore

Your home’s Humidity Sub Score uses the HAVEN Monitor’s Relative Humidity readings + circulation schedule to help you understand if your system is:

  • Keeping moisture levels in check and,

  • Ensuring regular circulation to prevent mold growth and damage to your home’s structure & family’s health.

Circulation Subscore

Your home’s Circulation Subscore uses the HAVEN Monitor’s airflow readings + circulation schedule to help you understand if your system is:

  • Able to maintain proper filtration, ventilation & humidity control and,

  • Help you to remove blind spots throughout the day. (Hours when the system may be switched off to  prevent your HAVEN Monitor from helping you maintain a healthy home.)


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If you have any questions about our HAVEN IAQ products, our dedicated Support Team can be contacted directly via 1-888-964-2836 or



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