
There may be times when you need to reset your HAVEN Central Air Monitor. This article will show you how to perform a soft reset for your Monitor.


Please note: Always try a soft reset before a hard reset. A soft reset is a good first step for troubleshooting any issues you may be experiencing with your Monitor (eg. Wifi and/or IAQ app connectivity issues). A soft reset is a method that will power cycle the device without disconnecting the device from your Wifi and account.

A hard reset will completely reset the device and remove itself from everything that it's connected to (eg. Wifi, IAQ app, dwelling association, your HVAC contractor's list of installations). If you need to perform a hard reset, please contact us at Our Support Team will be happy to walk you through each step of the reset to ensure that everything is properly connected. 


Instructions - Soft Reset

1. Insert a pin (your device comes with a reset pin) or a paperclip into the small hole to the left of the antenna and press down once.



2. Your HAVEN device should come back online and return to its normal, connected state.



Check out our video instructions on how to do a soft reset (0:30) or a hard reset (0:52):




If you require any additional assistance with performing a reset, please contact our dedicated Support Team via




If you are continuing to face issues with your HAVEN device or data, our dedicated Professional Support can be contacted directly via 1-833-442-7776 or



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